PHP 101
In this section, we will dive into PHP.
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language, widely used in web development. Its functionality includes embedding into HTML, generating dynamic content, and interacting with databases.
Features of PHP:
Server-Side Processing: PHP runs on the server side, meaning it is processed on web servers. When users request a page from their browsers, the server executes PHP code and sends the result, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript content, to the browser.
Dynamic Content: PHP is used to add dynamic content to HTML pages, handling tasks like processing database queries, receiving form data, and performing file operations.
Open Source and Free: PHP is an open-source project and can be used for free. This allows users to inspect, modify, and distribute the source code.
Various Database Support: PHP can integrate with various database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.
Extensive Library Support: PHP has a wide standard library set. Additionally, many third-party libraries and frameworks, developed and shared by users, are available.
Now that we understand what PHP is, let’s move on to the installation part.